Christmas Initiatives
Each Ketek branch choses its own local charity to support at Christmas, depending on the needs of the local community.
The Edmonton office sponsors Christmas hampers (food and toys) for families and fundraising through the Christmas Bureau of Edmonton. The Christmas Bureau provides a festive meal to families in need. In 2017, 55,450 people were provided a meal. More than 26,000 of them were children under the age of 12 and 7,569 were teens aged 13 to 17. The Christmas Bureau has kept pace with the changing face of Edmonton to ensure that their service is culturally inclusive, encompassing all religions and traditions.
Ketek personnel in Grande Prairie and Fort McMurray donate to the local food banks. In Fort Nelson, staff donate to and volunteer at the Community Christmas dinner put on by the Fort Nelson fire department. Fort St. John has chosen to raise funds for the SPCA.

The Winterburn Business Association

Disaster Relief
Ketek has the trained personnel and the equipment to respond quickly and effectively to a wide range of disaster situations. During the 2020 flooding of Fort McMurray (which forced 13,000 people from their homes), Ketek provided diesel pumps to help pump water from buildings and low-lying areas.
During the Fort McMurray wildfire in May of 2016, Ketek provided support and equipment to emergency responders (under the direction of provincial officials). Equipment included layflat hose, submersible and diesel pumps, power generators and light towers.
In Calgary, in June of 2013, after extensive flooding, Ketek provided pumps, generators and light towers to aid with water removal from flooded areas and incinerators for waste disposal.