Ketek’s ISO:9001-certified maintenance division offers repair, maintenance, diagnostics and testing of generators, pumps, light towers, VFDs, starter boxes, control panels and more.
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Equipment Maintenance Services
Knowing when and how to service and maintain equipment will keep it functioning when it is needed most. It will also extend the equipment’s lifespan, reducing operating costs and potential downtime.
At Ketek, we own and operate hundreds of generators, pumps, light towers, frost fighters and more. We use them in our own operations in some of the most difficult conditions imaginable (think Northern Alberta at minus-40). We have the knowledge, skills and experience to keep them operating efficiently and reliably, and can do the same for your equipment.
We are a designated shop for Xylem electric-submersible pumps and Thompson diesel pumps, and have the testing facilities to verify the equipment’s capabilities.
Electrical repair, diagnostics & testing of equipment such as VFD’s, Control Panels, Starter Boxes & motors are all services we offer within our maintenance division.
Our skilled service team is here to support all of your needs. When it comes to equipment maintenance and service, we have you covered.
Knowing when and how to service your generator will keep it operating up to specs for a long time to come. At Ketek, our skilled service team is here to support all of your needs. When it comes to generator maintenance and service, we have you covered.
Proper, regular maintenance will keep your pumps running well, and for a long time. At Ketek, our skilled service team is here to support all of your needs. Electric submersible pumps are one of the many products we specialize in.

By Michael Kellner
Maintenance Manager

And Ivan Mospak
Lead Heavy Duty Mechanic
Why Choose Ketek

More than 40 years of experience maintaining, repairing and servicing

We provide scheduled and preventive maintenance and regular site visits