Adherence to Ketek’s environmental stewardship requirements enables delivery of our products and services fully compliant to client standards and applicable regulatory requirements for water, land and air quality.
These are also reflected collectively in our programming for client resilience with the objective of a lower environmental footprint.

We have gained valuable experience from the use of the ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems in our manufacturing and maintenance divisions.
We have adopted the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle in all our project and business systems.
Our Quality Stewardship Handbook provides the guidance that ensures we deliver projects on time, on budget and on specification without adverse health, safety or environmental incidents. The management systems have reinforced the value of being focussed on client requirements and continually improving the management of risks and opportunities.
Strategic Water Management
Our strategic water management approach to project planning includes the conservation and protection of our water resources through reuse and recycling. It applies international standards to air emission and water discharges. Our water management operations are tracked for any reportable spills to the natural environment. Small spill events (less than 200 litres) are recorded by our Unplanned Event Programming. Our reportable incident target of zero has been achieved annually.

Solid Waste Solutions
Ketek’s ‘Cyclonator’ thermal oxidizers for solid waste disposal have continued to support client needs and in many cases are the best solution from an environmental perspective.
They were developed in a partnership with the Alberta Research Council to enable effective solid waste options in remote locations.

“We are proud that our innovation with environmental equipment has found application in over 30 countries for the protection of air, land and water quality.”
Anil Chhibber
Project Specialist

GHG and Energy Efficiency
Air emissions from Ketek equipment are attributed through client reporting. Typical contributions are:
Ketek is strengthening its greenhouse gas (GHG) and energy conservation services to facilitate reduction in these emissions through clean technology and community-based infrastructure plans.
Average annual Ketek direct GHG emissions are well below the reporting threshold in Alberta of 10,000 tCO2e per year.
These emissions are from natural gas, electricity consumption and fuel for our trucks servicing client projects. Ketek is continually upgrading its equipment to reduce fuel consumption, GHG emissions and costs. This includes the addition of LED light towers that consume 72% less fuel than the metal halide lights. Ketek is transitioning its generating equipment to Tier 4 compliant models.
Climate Resilience
Ketek expects each and every one of its employees, from senior management through to our many experienced field personnel, to contribute to the company’s climate resilience.
- By reducing the environmental footprint of Ketek’s operations
- By conserving water resources in project execution
- By reducing air emissions from equipment
- By protecting biodiversity in project execution
- By developing the technical capacity for emergency response with first responders
Sustainability Report
Read our 2022 Sustainability Report
(PDF, 8Mb)