Fish Screens

Ketek’s fish screens are designed to meet the guidelines issued by Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Most aquatic organisms such as fish and plants cannot come into contact with the pump or the suction hose because they are protected by the screen.

  • Keep your irrigation system from clogging with debris.
  • Provide more reliable flow and reduce maintenance.
  • Prevent fish from being harmed or stranded in irrigation channels.
  • Ensure you meet provincial regulations and avoid enforcement actions.
  • Provide excellent fish protection and increase survival.
  • Floating or fully submerged

A fish screen is placed at a water diversion to protect juvenile fish from entering irrigation channels. They are specifically designed to reduce fish mortality and stranding. Fish screening provides a unique opportunity to increase survival of ESA-listed fish species while allowing irrigators to withdraw water.


4×4 Fish screen
Used with 58 sub pumps (Need higher water depth, but no diesel pump near water source)

Trident Fish Screen
Used with a 58hp submersible pump (Benefits: Electric, so no diesel fuel source close to water, does not need a high water depth like the 4×4)

Round Rolling Fish Screen
No equipment needed to put it in the water, can be rolled by hand when there are no roads to the source.

Low Profile Fish Screen
Hooked up to a suction hose going to a diesel pump. Minimal water (18″) needed for operation.
