Ketek Group has 40 years of experience in manufacturing, assembling and maintaining incinerators. Combined with waste-management practices for source separation, we offer full-service solutions to any solid-waste-handling needs a client may have.

What is Incineration
Waste incineration is the thermal oxidation of combustible matter with oxygen (from air) at sufficient temperatures to ignite the waste. The combustion design also generates heat sufficient to destroy volatile contaminants in the hot gases before being emitted through the stack.

Heating Value (HV)
The Cyclonator range of designs also offer heat-recovery options which can increase your return on investment and reduce your carbon footprint, potentially adding revenue streams to further strengthen your bottom line. Westland has a comprehensive range of technologies available to help capture the heat generated and use it as heat.

Capacity / Load Size
Incineration Capacity: The higher the heating value of the waste, the lower is the capacity in terms of kg/h that can be incinerated. Load Capacity: The size of the batch loaded into the incinerator is based on the heating value of the waste.

Waste Types (0-1-2-3-4)
Waste is described as undesired and useless resources and is considered a non-useful substance. It can also refer to waste that is visible in our immediate environment and is typically referred to as a solid waste, which includes household waste (waste from our homes), municipal rubbish (waste from workplaces, schools, etc.), and industrial waste (waste from companies and industries).