Ketek is an authorized distributor and service repair center for Mody products in Western Canada. Mody is a manufacturer of dewatering, sewage, slurry, grinder and submersible pumps.
Brome Composting manufactures industrial composters for businesses and communities. Composting is an eco-friendly option for waste management.

Thompson manufactures a wide variety of diesel pumps for surface water transfers, sewer and river bypass and flood control.

Westland Environmental Solutions manufactures the Cyclonator series of incinerators and thermal oxidizers. They can be manufactured to client specifications and can meet the most stringent environmental standards in the world. They are currently in operation in more than 30 countries.

Calgary-based CTI manufactures the remarkable Aurora LED 64 Stadium Light Tower, your low-cost, low-carbon option for lighting.

Ketek is both a distributor for Xylem (Flygt) submersible pumps (for surface and subsurface water transfers) and a Flygt Certified Repair Shop.

A global leader in lightning and static protection, Lightning Master’s products help companies safeguard their facilities and other structures from the effects of lightning strikes and electrical surges.

Experts in the treatment of commercial and industrial wastewater. We provide their Vacuum Bubble technology for water treatment systems.

Manufacturer of spill containment equipment including containment berms.

BBA Pumps has been a leading manufacturer of pumps for more than 60 years. BBA’s pumps are designed for use in construction, wellpointing, flood control, sewer bypass, mine dewatering and the maritime industry.

Water well monitoring and control products, including the Dripmaster oil lubrication control and monitoring device, designed with SCADA compatibility for vertical turbine pumps.
Eco-Flex® is an industry pioneer in the recycling of rubber tires to manufacture high value, end use, recycled rubber products for municipal, industrial, commercial & residential applications.
Online analysis by UV-VIS spectrometer (of H2S, O3, DO conductivity and turbidity) and remote data acquisition.
Bubble Tubing and bubble curtains for aeration, deicing and control of sediment and debris.